self-hypnosis for libido

self-hypnosis for libido

This is a method by which you can get similar and even better results without the use of steroids... Athletes artificially inject male hormones into the body to increase strength, endurance, energy and recovery. About 1 week after starting this method, you will already feel a sharp increase in libido and sexual appetite. This method is used in almost all sports and is actively used by high-ranking athletes. This method has practically no side effects


Here are a few examples of famous athletes who have either used or expressed an interest in self-hypnosis:

Cristiano Ronaldo: The renowned soccer star openly discusses using self-hypnosis to maintain focus and boost confidence on the field, contributing to his consistent high-level performance

Tiger Woods: The legendary golfer Tiger Woods has reportedly used self-hypnosis techniques to improve his concentration and focus on the golf course. He has spoken about the importance of mental preparation in golf and has explored various mental training methods, including hypnosis.

Muhammad Ali: The late boxing legend Muhammad Ali was known for his mental toughness in the ring. While he did not explicitly mention self-hypnosis, he used various mental strategies, including visualization and positive self-talk, which are similar to the principles of hypnosis.

Michael Jordan: Widely regarded as one of the greatest basketball players of all time, Michael Jordan was known for his mental resilience and ability to perform under pressure. While he did not specifically mention self-hypnosis, he embraced various mental techniques, such as visualization and relaxation, which are associated with hypnosis.

Steve Hooker: Australian pole vaulter Steve Hooker, who won a gold medal at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, openly credited self-hypnosis for helping him overcome fear and anxiety related to his event. He used hypnosis to improve his confidence and focus.

Mary Lou Retton: The American gymnast Mary Lou Retton, who won the gold medal in the all-around competition at the 1984 Olympics, has mentioned using visualization and mental imagery techniques, which are closely related to self-hypnosis, to enhance her performance.

Jimmy Connors: Former professional tennis player Jimmy Connors reportedly used self-hypnosis to manage anxiety and improve his mental state during matches. He often talked about the importance of the mental aspect of tennis.

It's worth noting that while these athletes have either used or explored self-hypnosis and related mental techniques, the effectiveness of such methods can vary from person to person. Many athletes incorporate a combination of mental training techniques, including self-hypnosis, to help them perform at their best


What processes take place in the human body when using this method

In the realm of sports and athletics, the mind plays a pivotal role in determining an athlete's success. It is widely acknowledged that self-belief, mental toughness, and focused concentration are essential components of peak performance. One intriguing avenue through which athletes unlock their full potential is self-hypnosis, a practice that delves deep into the recesses of the subconscious mind.


During the use of self-hypnosis, athletes tap into the remarkable capabilities of their own subconscious. This mental technique has the power to influence the human body in profound ways, allowing athletes to unveil talents they may not have realized existed. Here's how self-hypnosis can lead to the revelation of an athlete's maximum abilities:


Strengthening Muscle and Connective Tissues: Self-hypnosis can promote a heightened state of relaxation, which, in turn, aids in the repair and growth of muscle tissues and connective tissues. As the subconscious mind is engaged, it can enhance the body's natural ability to recover and regenerate. This can lead to a notable increase in strength and durability, which is vital for athletes seeking to push their physical limits.


Energy and Stamina Boost: Self-hypnosis is a potent tool for increasing energy levels and stamina. By altering the subconscious perception of fatigue and exertion, athletes can tap into reserves of energy that would otherwise remain untapped. This newfound endurance can make all the difference in a grueling competition, allowing athletes to perform at their best throughout the duration of their event.

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